[ Rev. 6:1 - 20:3 ]
1000 year millienium reign of Christ on earth (Rev.20:6) >>>
End Time Prophecy
in PLAIN VIEW; Readying for Tribulation:
Great Tribulation
and the
Prophecies in the News Today that confirm His nearness...
Mid-7 year point Abomination of Deso- lation / Mark of the Beast / Antichrist in Jerusalem [Dan 9: 27]
return of Christ
(Rev. 19:11)

The Vatican's recently-minted Papal coinage showing Benedict XVI's picture has now been introduced into circulation as currency within the European Union. This legalized agreement between the Vatican and the European Union did not get much media or TV attention in 2010 at all. [ News > ]
However, the End Time significance of this is right on time in God's divine timeclock as this generation draws up-close and personal to the very 'start' of the final 7 Year Tribu- lation.
Why? Because both Daniel and the book of Revelation specifically identify the final western Euro-kingdom (today's EU) based in ROME and coupled with its False Prophet (Papacy / Vatican/ Antichrist) as so dominating the 'start' of the Tribulaton, that even the world's economic currency standard will be represented and/or meas- ured in ROMAN COINAGE. Obviously, the EU's current 'euro-dollar' is in place right now for this to happen.
This is identified specifically in the book of Revelation in Chapter 6:6 which uses the term 'denarius' (Greek: 1st Century 'Roman coinage'). Again, Rev 6:6 clearly shows Roman currency to be the 'standard' just after the 'start' of the 7 Year Tribulation.
In fact, TODAY'S GLOBAL economic disaster mostly MATCHES the Bible's foretold End Time scenario for the 'start' of the final 7 Year Tribulation, confirming this genera- tion's nearness RIGHT NOW to enter into it. At the 'start', the global economy is shown by Revelation to have collapsed so badly that it costs a day's wage (a "denarius" / Rev 6:6) to purchase a loaf of bread. Again, today's scenario has speeded up close to this imminent Bible prophecy.
Also, since Mid-Sept 2008's sudden eco- nomic DOWNTURN globally, America itself has also begun QUICKLY (under President Obama's destructive adminstration) aligning itself economically and governmentally with the EU's fast-rising 1-world socialistic Government mindset and Economic clout.
To re-emphasize, this ENTIRE scenario is foretold of TODAY'S End Time generation and highlights emphatically how very near today's world is to the 'start' of the 7 Year Tribulation.
The Vatican's Papal coinage is another confirmation today of the readiness for the Pope's global popularity to soar within the EU and globally, as foretold for the 'start' of the Tribulation. This is all symbolized in the False Prophet's initial appearance as a 'rider on a white horse' at the beginning of the Tribulation. (Rev 6:1,2).
ALL of what is detailed here fits perfectly with ALL other End Time prophecies which are fully spring-loaded for fulfillment in THIS generation, as shown at Heisnear.com.
However, once the Tribulation begins, then the continually-collapsing world economy and dire state will worsen greater than at any other time in world history.
This will prepare the way for the Mid-point of the 7 year period for ALL currency, including the Papal coinage, to quickly be dropped in exchange for the foretold final 1-World 'mark' by which to 'buy or sell' at every level of global society.
It will be introduced by the False Prophet himself [Papacy/Antichrist] as a wonderful moral concept to ensure no one goes hungry and will be fully backed by his own kingdom, the dominating EU. (Rev 13:16,17)
Soberingly, this is PRECISELY in process RIGHT NOW as Heisnear.com pinpoints scripturally and with Headlines which over- whelmingly match-confirm ALL Bible pro- phecies as ready for fulfillment.
This includes the Papacy's role as the False Prophet who Revelation designates as the sole world icon who has FULL CONTROL of the world and even his own supportive EU saying, he 'exercises ALL the authority' of the 'first beast', his final EU beastly kingdom. (Rev 13:12).
Since today's spiralling-down global eco- nomy has now got ALL World Leaders, including the Papacy, to clamor about to find the global solution economically, then the stage is set now not only for the 'start' of the Tribulation, but also confirms the reality that the actual 'mark' of the beast could be as little as 3 1/2 years away from being fulfilled. This is now coming quickly to today's generation.
ROMAN coinage at the 'start' of the Tribulation
Vatican begins circulating Euro Coins featuring Pope Benedict
[ Vatican forges Agreement with European Union/ December 2009 ]
Rev 6:6 > 'a quart of wheat for a denarius' symbolizes today's fast-rising European standard of currency at the very 'start' of the Tribulation; It also shows Economic Collapse at the 'start' of the Tribulation since a loaf of bread (quart of wheat) will cost a "denarius", the first century equivalent to a day's wage. *News / happening today >
100% PROOF of Christ's Nearness /
Collapsing World Economy at the 'start' of Tribulation; happening
False Prophet
now in his
for the
'start' of
as foretold
Foretold "mark of the beast' NOW
in PLAIN VIEW for near-future
#1 World Leader Today - 2nd to none